For years, George Booth was implored,

“Shut up and write a book.”

And so he did.

Now it’s a whole series.

Dogs, Cats, and Raccoons: Short stories of little or no consequence…

"And the fact that your acne finally cleared up."..."Important Note: This book is not available in PowerPoint."..."Some 1756 AD monk leaves me bewildered."..."Plainly speaking, Grandpa was full of shit."...“You can’t make this stuff up.”...“That made me feel like the fifth wheel to the wagon.”..."It’s probably filled full of C4.”..."If you are generally pissed off about everything then this is an essential guide."..."like the time I laughed when you were choking on your cereal." ..."And what’s the best way to get sand out of your toes?"..."Especially since we actually found the “middle of nowhere".